Town of McCandless
Safe Neighborhood Demolition of:  8753 Wittmer Road CD 40 3.11.3
Bid Opening Date:  August 14, 2014
Estimate $10,000 +/-


Short description of the project:  Work included. but not limited to, under this project consists of the demolition of all structures, removal of structures and contents including proper disposal, verification of the disconnection of utilities, capping of the sanitary sewer, site grading and restoration as required in the bid specifications.

Bids received by:
These are unofficial results subject to the engineer's review.

Contractor Bid Amount
Jadell Minnifield $7,000.00
iSqFt Plan Room   N/A
Five Star Construction  $6,600.00
Stark Construction Management, Inc.  $9,000.00 
AW McNabb LLC $5,900.00 
Eveready Contracting $9,700.00 

Technical questions regarding the bid package may be submitted to the project Zoning Officer, Bruce Betty, Town of McCandless, (412) 364-0616 Ext. 121